When I taught preschool I often started out the year with activities revolving around one of my favorite books: Chicka Chicka
Boom Boom, written by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault, and illustrated by Lois Ehlert. It’s an adorable alphabet book, with a catchy song to go with it (and have you seen the DVD?!? My kids love it!). Years ago, when Ella was not yet three years old I made a coconut tree for her on our fridge (at our old house), to play with her magnet letters. And she still remembers that! She has been asking me lately to make another one, so today we did.

This is a great way to not only decorate your fridge, but to give the kids a new way to explore the alphabet. Sam is not at all interested in singing the ABC’s with me (his version goes something like this: PQRS, PQRS, PQRS, PQRS), but he will sit and play with the magnet letters, so I am hoping that this will help him learn a few more letters & letter sounds. The coconut tree was pretty easy to make, I just looked at the book for guidance, used paper to cut out the tree, and then used contact paper to adhere it to the fridge (so the edges of the paper won’t get torn). This can also be done by making a smaller tree and adhering it to a cookie sheet! It’s a perfect learning activity for home or for a Preschool classroom.
What are your favorite ways to help your children become more familiar with the alphabet?