Menu Plan Monday ~ November 2
It’s been quite a while since I’ve published a Menu Plan Monday post, but I need to start doing this again. Making a menu plan each week is so beneficial and there were too many nights in the past few months where we found ourselves eating out because I wasn’t prepared and armed with a...
Menu Plan Monday ~ June 22
Summer seems like it’s quickly slipping by, and I’ve been terrible at planning our menus, which has resulted in too many dinners out and too much money spent. I’m working to fix that, starting with our menu plans. They really are a time saver and a stress reliever! I just need to remember to work...
Menu Plan Monday ~ March 23
Our weeknights have gotten CRAZY busy lately. I’m taking a graduate course one evening a week, the kids have play practice, math team, Lego club, soccer practice, and the list goes on. Menu Planning is playing a key role in keeping my sanity. I’ve been working really hard to stick to the plan each week,...
Menu Plan Monday ~ March 9
I’m jumping back on the Menu Planning bandwagon after being absent for a while. I NEEEEEED Menu Planning to stay sane! It helps me to save money at the grocery store and to save my sanity at dinner time when I’m scrambling to figure out what to cook. I’ve recently starting substitute teaching, and while...
Menu Plan Monday {January 12}
It was a delicious week at our house last week! What’s cooking at your house? Do you need inspiration? Visit OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday Roundup or my Recipe Archives for recipe ideas! Have a great week! Menu Plan Monday :: Spaghetti Carbonara Beef Goulash Soup ~ perfect winter night dinner! And the leftovers hold up...
Menu Plan Monday {December 22}
Hello Monday! And Hello Holidays! It’s going to be a wild and crazy week with the Christmas holiday, so I should have some great recipes for you next Monday. As for today, I’ve got some great stuff to share as well. If you are looking for even more inspiration see my Recipe Archives or OrgJunkie’s...
Menu Plan Monday {December 15}
Here we are…Monday AGAIN. Does anyone else out there wish we lived in a world where Mondays were part of the weekend? I’m not ready to face this week, because I’m such a slacker and haven’t bought but a few holiday gifts. I have my work cut out for me! The struggle will be to...

Menu Plan Monday {December 8}
Another Monday, another Menu Plan! I did a great job of following our menu plan last week, and we had some delicious dinners. We also had dinner out on Saturday, which was a real treat. Every December we have a special day with the kids in Downtown Cincinnati. We went to the Taft Theatre to...
Menu Plan Monday {November 24}
Last week we did so much better at eating dinner at home vs. dining out. There was one evening that Michael was working late and I had no desire to cook so I took the kids out to eat, but only because we had FREE coupons for kids meals. And then on Friday night we...
Menu Plan Monday {November 10}
Here we are…another Monday, another Menu Plan! Last week was CRAZY! I was planning the festival for my children’s school, so we ate out way too much, but we did end up having some GREAT meals at home as well! For more menu planning inspiration visit my Recipe Archives or OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday roundup....

Menu Plan Monday ~ November 3
It’s Monday so it’s time for another Menu Plan! We ate out a few times last week, so my list of recipes for the week is a bit shorter, but there’s some real winners in there. Also, for your viewing pleasure I’ve put together a list of our favorite Slow Cooker Recipes…check it out!...
Menu Plan Monday ~ October 27
I actually made some awesome dinners this week…so I have a Menu Plan to share today! This school year is kicking my butt, and I’m struggling to get a good dinner on the table every night. Each week I push myself to think of good meals for the fam and to resist the temptation to...