This mama is not a big fan of the hot, sticky weather we’ve been having lately, so I’m always on the lookout for fun crafts to do in the coolness of our house. This week we made shape collages, I found the idea on the crafty crow blog. it’s quite easy to do, just cut paper into shapes of all sizes (I cheated and used my Cricut to cut out the shapes). All of my scraps from card-making and scrap-booking came in very handy for this craft! Then I gave the kids the markers, glue sticks & shapes and away they went! It was so interesting to sit and watch what they created with the shapes. Ella made a house, and then used the shapes to make her name. Max made two scenes…one was a summer scene, and the other was a night scene. Sam, well, he made lines and glued some shapes down. No rhyme or reason to his work, but he enjoyed himself, and I took advantage of the situation to talk about the names of the shapes and the colors he was using. So it was not only a fun craft, but also a learning experience! Mama loves those hidden preschool lessons!