When Ella was in Kindergarten I packed her lunch nearly every single day (not grilled cheese day…the girl loves her grilled cheese). But after Baby #4 arrived the packed lunches were few and far between. This coming school year I will have two kids in elementary school, so I am determined to pack their lunches as often as I can. I want to save money, and also, I want to control what they eat a little bit. When I pack their lunch I know that they will eat it, because I pack foods I know are good for them, and that I know they like.
I have been spending some time online looking for ways to spruce up our lunches, and I have been reading about this
“Bento” phenomenon that is gaining popularity in the United States. In Japan mothers have been packing Bento lunches for their children for years. Some mothers design these elaborate lunches that are healthy, and aesthetically pleasing at the same time. Google the word B
ento, and you will see what I mean! These women are making rice balls shaped like animals, veggies that look like flowers, and more. There are blogs like
Wendolonia all over the internet documenting these creative lunches. I like the idea of making my children’s lunch “cute” in an effort to get them to try new foods, or to be excited about eating good food. Here is a picture of my first attempt at making “Bento” lunches for my three kids.

My Bento lunches are not quite as fancy as those you see on the internet, but the kids got a kick out of them. I used baking accessories to spruce up the lunch. I have to admit though, that even a pirate flag was not enough to convince Sam to try the celery, but I will keep trying and maybe someday he will decide to take a nibble. I doubt they will get fancy lunches every day…but they will be a nice special treat for them. Another idea I had was to stick sweet notes in their lunches. I’ve done this in the past for Ella occasionally, and she loves the surprise. I think what I like best about these Bento lunches is that they are environmentally friendly. That is my major goal this year, to pack lunches that produce very little waste. Ella’s school is having a fundraiser right now in conjunction with Easy Lunchboxes. We bought boxes for Ella, Max and Daddy for packed lunches, and I have to say, they are quite cool, perfect for packing lunches, and have lots of space. Add a homemade cloth napkin and the lunch packing becomes an even more GREEN experience!
Comment below with your lunch packing ideas!