This week’s giveaway is something I put together to help make a packed lunch more “fun”. I have been using some of these things in my childrens’ packed lunches to brighten their day and wanted to share with you! Of course, if you don’t pack lunches for yourself, your children or even your spouse, then you could use these items as a gift for someone, or many of them would be perfect for their original purpose…baking!

Here it is…you have FOUR chances to win! That’s right, you can enter this contest FOUR times! But (THIS IS IMPORTANT) please be sure to leave separate comments for each entry! Do not put all of your entries into one comment. And don’t forget to leave contact information. Here are the four ways you can enter:

1. Leave a comment below telling me something you do to make your child’s packed lunch special, or how you are taking steps to make their lunch more environmentally friendly!

2. Share this giveaway with your friends, either via facebook, twitter, or your own personal blog (linking back to this post), and leave a comment below letting me know you did so.
3. Follow this blog on Facebook (you can click on the link on the right-hand side of this blog or use this address:
then comment below saying that you follow me! If you are already a “follower” of the little things on facebook just comment below telling me so!
4. Visit my friend Amy’s blog: in a galaxy far far away and enter her contest for EasyLunchboxes, then post a comment here on my blog telling me you did so!

Contest ends Friday July 30, 2010 at Noon. One winner will be chosen using a random number generator. The winner will be notified on this blog and have 48 hours to respond, or another winner will be chosen.

**if you have trouble reading the description of the giveaway on the photo above simply click on the picture to see it enlarged. or email me for a description: