Ten years ago I married my best friend. I know, I know, I sound like a Hallmark card. But it’s the truth! He’s my best friend. He knows me better than anyone else does, treats me with great respect, laughs at my jokes (no matter how corny they are), loves me as I am (imperfections and all), and is by any definition, my soul mate.

As you know, I am a very spiritual person, and I honestly count myself so lucky that I have been able to meet my twin flame. For those who are unaware, a twin flame is someone that totally changes your life. They do not have to be your romantic partner, but they do have to be someone that encourages you to grow spiritually. When you meet them, your life just completely changes, as was the case with me. You see the world in a new light and become a better, soulful being.

If you have found your twin flame, then count yourself very fortunate. If you have found but consequently lost your twin flame, then you should probably start learning how to get your twin flame back. This is your person who you have the deepest, spiritual connection with. Your soul mate, but even deeper than that. Some people have more than one twin flame, but if you find yourself longing to be back with your estranged twin flame then you must act upon it.

If you haven’t found your twin flame, then you might be interested to know that a friend of mine is going to have a twin flames reading next week. Finding your twin flame is not always easy, and therefore some spiritual guidance can help you to gain a renewed sense of clarity about your personal life. I cannot wait to hear about how she gets on as she really does deserve to find someone as special as she is.
Anyway, since it is our ten year anniversary this year we decided to splurge a little, and two nights ago we celebrated a wee bit early with a fantastic date night. We ate dinner at Senate downtown…they specialize in gourmet hot dogs, but their burger is voted one of the best in Cincinnati, and I can now attest to that. Yummo! Michael had the lobster BLT..which he thoroughly enjoyed. And their poutine is to die for!
After dinner we headed to a concert ~ Coyote Grace and the Indigo Girls. I have no words for this…it was just a fabulous concert!
Tonight, on the night of our actual anniversary we celebrated in a different way. Dinner with our children, dinner as a family, celebrating what we have created together in these ten years. My cooking has been somewhat sporadic since Henry was born…I am ashamed to admit that we eat out way too often, and our meals are less than well-balanced. But tonight I pulled out all the stops and created a feast! I made Butter Chicken from the Pioneer Woman’s blog, accompanied by roasted asparagus & zucchini, naan, and pineapple. it was quite delicious if i do say so myself.
And then we exchanged gifts. Ella gave us this beautiful box filled with all sorts of cards that she has been making us this week. such treasures!
I wanted to give Michael something memorable for our anniversary since it’s been ten years, so I had a portrait made of our home. It is the home his grandfather built over 50 years ago, and the home we lived in when we first got married. A friend of Michael’s from high school, CR Adams did this gorgeous pen & ink portrait. You should check out his work, it is a great gift idea!
And for the Mama….Michael came home with a garnet pendant, which is the birthstone for January, in honor of our youngest babe born this past January. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again…I’m a lucky girl.