When we went to IKEA yesterday we bought a big roll of paper (under $5!). Ella wanted to make a mural like Ramona and her father did in the book Ramona & her Father by Beverly Cleary. So we gathered our supplies…markers, crayons, and colored pencils.
Once we had all of our supplies ready all three kids set to work on the mural. They had decided we should make our house, and our community. Ella gave the boys ideas and helped them figure out what to draw. It was so neat to watch them all be so creative, and to work cooperatively with each other.

Ella drew the library, since we spend soooo much time there.
Here is the work in progress, they took a break for a few hours, but Ella said she is going to go back to work on it this evening. From right to left: the river, Cincinnati, our house, the road (with our van on it), the library and a park. I can’t wait to see what they come up with next! And when they have finished we can hang the mural on the wall in the kitchen. The roll of paper will last for a while too, so I see more murals in our future. Three cheers for easy, cheap crafts!