We  have a large family by today’s standards, and we love it.  But having a large family has a few drawbacks.  Going to the movies with four kids costs as much as a day at Disney World.  And when a virus strikes, there are mass casualties.  For the past week a strep-like bug has bounced around our house like a pinball.
Last Thursday Sam fell ill, then on Sunday Max, Tuesday was Michael and Wednesday was Ella.  Henry and I are the last ones standing.  It’s been a week filled with headaches, chills, fevers, sore throats, ear aches, nausea, lethargy and crankiness.
Luckily enough the antibiotics are doing their job quickly, and everyone is on the mend (knock on wood).  I tried to find the positives…more cuddles & lazy pajama days.  Hopefully this weekend when the temperatures drop we can open up these windows and air out the germs!