On Monday I will pick two lucky readers & they will get to choose a FREE pack of Cards by Katie Notes! They can either choose the lovely new Personalized Gingham Notes (set of 5) or a Miscellaneous Pack of Christmas Notes (set of 5 – designs chosen by Moi).
Entering is quite easy, and you can enter twice! Double the fun all around during this giveaway!

Entry #2 – Leave a comment below telling me how you spread the word about this contest, whether it be facebook, twitter, email, or your own blog, just shout about it from some venue and let me know you did. I appreciate you getting the word out about my cards!
On Monday October 11th at 2pm I will randomly choose 2 winners, and notify them on this blog (and through email if you leave contact info). Winners can choose either personalized or misc. holiday notes.
Good Luck!