I finished Henry’s winter hat last night.  It took me one week to make.  Because I am slow.  It probably would have taken my crocheting mentor, Auntie Annie, about an hour to make.  I am still pretty new & slow and I have to sneak in these little pockets of time for crocheting.  It calms me.  So I have one winter hat finished, and three to go.  Ella’s is on the hook now.

I love this pattern for the Little People” Hat, that I found on Ravelry, created by Mamachee.  It is such an easy crochet hat pattern.  I made several of them last winter too, Henry came home from the hospital in one.  If you are looking for an easy pattern for cutting your crocheting teeth on, I suggest you look no further.  FYI:  I made Henry the child-sized version, because my stitching is so tight the infant one wouldn’t fit his big noggin.

Easy Crochet Pattern ~ The Little People Hat

Easy Crochet Pattern ~ The Little People Hat

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What are you making this week?  Please do share!