Sam’s preschool teacher sent home a cute craft homework project this week, and I decided to make it into a project for all of the kids.  His teacher sent home a piece of black paper and three circles with instructions to make a Snowperson.  It’s a simple project, and the kids had great fun creating them!

Winter Craft: Snowpeople

1.  Gather your materials:  blue or black paper for background, stencils for circle making (or pre-cut circles of various sizes), white paper for circles, pencils, scissors, glue, and any materials you’d like to use to ‘6decorate the snowperson.  I found some adorable snowflake sequins in our craft cupboard that were perfect for this project!  I also gave them glitter, markers, and construction paper for cutting out accessories for the snowpeople.
2.  Trace Circles
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3. Cut circles
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4. Glue circles on background paper
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5.  Decorate!!!
Tada!   Look at those big green eyes on Sam’s snowman, and max made a robot snowman.