I found the best EASY Banana Cupcake recipe! Pair it with Cinnamon Buttercream Icing and you have an amazing concoction!
Easy Banana Cupcakes + Cinnamon Buttercream Icing
Yesterday afternoon I realized that in my obstinate denial of my youngest baby’s first birthday I had completely forgotten that we should indeed have some kind of dessert to celebrate. So I scoured the pantry to see what I had on hand, and went through my never-ending list of recipes that I’ve been dying to try and stumbled upon a recipe I’ve been wanting to try for quite some time.
I used Banana Cupcakes and Cinnamon Buttercream Icing from justJENN recipes – Just Jenn has the CUTEST cupcakes on her blog, you should wander over and check it out. So, armed with the ingredients & recipe the kids and I set to work on the cupcakes.
Max mashed the bananas

Ella measured out the ingredients

And Sam mixed the ingredients…that boy loves the hand mixer!

Even though we have not had our birthday dinner for #ohhenry yet, Michael and I snuck cupcakes last night, and they were DELICIOUS!
Do not try to make them without the cinnamon buttercream icing though, because I don’t think they would be the same.
Here is my Prince Henry Birthday Post.
What is your favorite kind of cupcake?