Last month I told you how much I adore the mothers in my life, and now I want to tell you about the fabulous fathers I’ve had in my life.
The Fathers in My Life ::
Michael ~
First let me tell you about my husband Michael, the father of our four children. He is a fun, hands-on kind of dad. He takes every opportunity he can to create learning experiences for our kids, whether it be to teach them about the many plants growing in and around our house, or pulling a chair up to the counter so they can cook alongside him. He is ever watchful, striving to keep them out of harms way. He encourages them to be independent & creative problem solvers. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate how hard he works to provide for us so that I can stay home and be with them instead of working. When he comes home at the end of a long hard day I can tell just by looking at him sometimes that he is exhausted. Yet somehow he always manages to muster up the energy to have fun with the kids. In the evening when it is time for bed, he will drop what he is doing to spend a few quiet minutes reading with them. He doesn’t have a t-shirt or tie yet that says this, but he really is a #1 Dad! He definitely deserves one of those shirts. Perhaps we’ll have to get him one for father’s day. In addition to that, it’s important that the kids get to choose him a present too. I recently saw some custom personalized bobbleheads online. I think he’d love that, and the kids would probably want to play with the bobblehead. That should give them something fun to do together. As he’s a fun dad, I think he’d see the humor in that gift! We’ll have to get him some other bits too.
My Dad ~
Then there is my Daddio…a girl couldn’t have asked for a better dad. He is a great listener, a great dancer, and a great friend. He is brilliant, patient, kind and loving. He believes in me, and encourages me to live life to the fullest. He is generous in every sense of the word…not just generous financially or in terms of physical objects, but he is also generous with his love, his friendship, his support, his time, and his energy. He will do anything for his family, and also for his friends & his community. I remember when I bought him a phone from somewhere like fanmisenior for his birthday one year. I called him asking him to come over one day and within minutes, he was at our house. He’s so kind and caring. Whenever he is around, you know you are going to have a good time, because he is so fun-loving and adventurous. Because of my dad I will always enjoy dancing in the kitchen, driving on old country roads, listening to opera, traveling to new places, trying new foods, and learning obscure facts about Kentucky history. I love you dad, and I am proud to be your daughter. I also think that he is a fantastic Papa, and if you don’t believe me, just ask Henry.
Charlie ~
Grandpa Sam ~

Bop Bop ~
Then there’s my Bop-Bop, he passed away in 1998. I loved him dearly, and still miss him so very much. He spoiled me and my cousins rotten over the years…taking us to fancy restaurants (and to Chuck-e-Cheese), introducing us to costly seafood dishes & Shirley temples, letting us go wild in Johnny’s at Christmas-time and then “delivering” the toys we picked out to Santa. He also took me on some very exciting vacations. The best of which was my first trip overseas at the age of 12. He & Nana took me to England and Ireland, I learned so much, saw so many things, and spent time with our lovely cousins…it is a trip I will never forget.
My best Bop memories took place on Saturdays though. Every Saturday from the time that I was very small I would spend the day with my Bop-Bop. He would take me to his office to “work” ie: sharpen pencils, or he would take me to the farm to visit the cows. We would also go to lunch, and then back to the house to visit with Nana. I treasured this time with him, and when I was old enough, I began working in his office “for real”. It was my first real job, and I had so much fun there. I loved being around him, and I could tell that he loved having me around. I was his “Deedle dee”, and there will never be a Bop-Bop quite like him.