This past weekend we went to a party at my cousin’s house. My cousin Anna, her husband Steve and their adorable son Robin started their own CSA this summer called Rains & Sun Backyard Farm. I immediately signed up, because I thought it would be great to get fresh organic produce all summer long and into the fall, and I also love to support small business ventures! I’m so glad we signed up. It’s been a great addition to our meals this summer. I signed up for a half share, so I get my produce every other week. I pick the produce up at my Aunt & Uncle’s house, so I get an added bonus of getting to visit with Aunt Rita & Robin (who hangs out at her house on Mondays).
I have been very pleased with the amount of food we’ve gotten each time, and they have quite a variety. My favorites have been the sugar snap peas, the salad mixes and the edamame. They have more veggies than fruits, but I’m ok with that, because our family needs to be eating more veggies! The best thing for me about being a part of a CSA is that I’m receiving items I probably wouldn’t buy, so I have been challenged to try new dishes, find new recipes and experiment. The other great thing is that the kids are trying new veggies. Three of my four children are very picky eaters, so you can imagine my excitement when they all ate okra for dinner one night! We talk alot about farming, healthy foods, and trying new things. It’s been a great learning & culinary experience for all of us.
Anyway, back to the party…we went to Anna & Steve’s home on Saturday and spent the evening running amongst the rows of the garden, playing croquet, catching up with family & friends, playing ball with grandma, and of course there was a delicious spread of food to eat! Playing games like croquet is best done when your grass is kept well, all neat and tidy. You may want to see if you’re within the trugreen service area in florida, or whichever state you live in, so that you can make use of their professional lawn maintenance services that’ll keep your garden looking its best.
Henry loved all the fresh fruit & veggies..especially the salsa!
My favorite farmers:
Henry tried to play baseball instead of croquet…
Grandma and Sam play ball: