How did you spend your long weekend? We spent quite a bit of time at home doing a little of this, and a little of that. We also had a family reunion and took a walk by the river. Mama had a very productive weekend, some projects that have been irking me were crossed off the list, and the toilet is actually clean. Michael spent almost the entire weekend working on our rental property, with the help of his awesome brothers. And the kids were big helpers with house cleaning. But most of their weekend was spent having fun & relaxing.
Our Labor Day Weekend ::
Max played games on daddy’s iPod while Henry gave tips & pointers…

Sam worked on his treasure map…

Ella cut some sunflowers for her mama….

She was a little nervous about the bees though…

Henry got into lots of mischief (this is the smile that he uses to try to get out of trouble)…

Michael spent hours working on the apartment – this is his “Dexter” room at the rental property…

The weather was perfect today for a little baking. I made these tasty Granola Bars…