Today I took Henry to the Cincinnati Zoo for a short visit. It was 40 degrees outside, so some of the animals were not on display, but we still had so much fun! There were not many people there, so it was as if we had the place to ourselves. And all of the employees were busy working…planing bulbs for next year, cleaning the place up and hanging lights for the Festival of Lights. And Christmas music was blaring from the speakers. It was the first time this week that I wasn’t annoyed by Christmas music being played too early in November. Henry and I had fun hanging out just the two of us. I don’t think I’ve been to the Zoo with just one of my children alone since Ella was a baby.
The Cincinnati Zoo ::
The boy is usually too busy to stop and pose for pictures wanted his picture taken on every single animal sculpture we passed.
Henry’s first trip to the Zoo un-tethered…no stroller, no backpack…just a boy on the run at the Zoo.
Sneaking up on a peacock…
Henry and the turtle:
The macaque monkeys cuddle to keep warm:
And the cougars slept through our visit.