A few weeks ago my dear friend
Ms. Amy, who is a librarian at our local library (the awesome
Kenton County Public Library) suggested that Max might like the Big Nate books. So I checked a few of the books out just to see what he thought. He picked one up that night, started reading it during dinner and finished it just two days later. WOW. And then moved right on to the next one. I grabbed as many as I could from the library and he is quickly working his way through the pile! I’ve not read any, but the comic book style of these books is entertaining for him…I can tell by the constant giggles as he reads. And it’s challenging him as well. He has been stopping to ask what certain words are, or for the definitions of words. I love seeing Max so engrossed in a series of books! He’s a great reader, but hasn’t been as “into” reading in the past few months…he was more interest in perusing LEGO catalogs and such, so I’m happy to see him with a book back in his hands!

And these books aren’t just for boys, I have many friends with daughters who are enchanted by these books as well!You can find Big Nate books by Lincoln Peirce at your local library or local bookstore, OR you can find them on
Amazon using my
Amazon store links to get you there!
Are your children obsessed with any books right now?!? Tell me about it…we’re always looking for new books to read!
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