I love my library. Love love love my library. If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram then you already know that my family spends large amounts of time in the Children’s Department of the Covington Library.
My history with the Covington branch of the Kenton County PublicLibrary began decades ago. When I was a little girl I spent almost every Saturday with my grandfather. He took me to fancy restaurants, taught me how to drive in the fields at our family farm, and we spent many an afternoon at the Covington Library.
He would hole up in the genealogy department going through miles and miles of microfilm, looking for clues to our family’s past. I should say, all that work paid off when he and my grandmother found her relatives in Ireland. I snapped this picture of the microfilm machines shortly before this section of the library was slated for remodeling. I wanted to remember that little section forever. I can almost see him sitting there.