I was chosen to be an ambassador for the myNKY campaign, and I wear that badge with pride as I have been following the progress of Vision 2015 since it’s inception, and I am passionate about the community of Northern Kentucky. In our family we joked that we were forbidden to move away from Northern Kentucky because my parents wanted us near them. And while it is true that our parents want us to be close, we would never in a million years actually think about moving away from the Northern Kentucky region. We love our neighborhood, we love the fact that NKY is a patchwork quilt of small cities, we love that we are mere minutes away from a big city, we love the rich history of our region, we love that even though Northern Kentucky is comprised of three counties there is still a small town closeness in every community, we love that everywhere we go in Northern Kentucky we bump into someone we know, and we love that NKY as a region continues to grow and blossom. I can’t wait to see what great things are going to happen in Northern Kentucky in the coming years.
During the six month myNKY campaign, Vision 2015 is reaching out via their website, www.myNKY.org to get feedback from the community. They have a “game” you can play that is fun, but also makes you stop and think for a minute. Where do YOU want money spent in the community? It only takes a few minutes to play this myNKY game, you should give it a try. And while you are on the website, take a quick poll as well. Vision 2015 is really determined to find out what the community as whole wants to see happen in Northern Kentucky in the coming years, so it’s time to let them hear your voice! It all started at their launch last night at the NKU Men’s Basketball game, where they kicked off the campaign, and rolled out the myNKY wall, where citizens were encouraged to write down what they wanted their NKY to be. I love that they are encouraging us all to stop and think about this, and encouraging us to take part in the discussion. If you live in Northern Kentucky I hope you take a little time to let your voice be heard! Visit www.myNKY.org today and the myNKY Facebook page as well. Let’s all share our vision of Northern Kentucky’s future!
Here’s some more information about myNKY ::
As the year 2015 approaches, it’s time to start thinking about Northern Kentucky’s next strategic plan. That’s why Vision 2015, the organization behind implementing the community’s current plan, is inviting community members to interact with myNKY, a six-month campaign launching Jan. 16 designed to engage the community in determining the priorities for Northern Kentucky’s next five-year strategic plan.
In an effort to collect as much feedback possible, residents are encouraged to check www.mynky.org often over the course of the six month campaign for updates as well as to participate in poll and challenge questions which will change regularly. Vision 2015 representatives will also be out in the region collecting community feedback at a variety of events over the course of the campaign.
Disclaimer: I am an ambassador of the myNKY campaign, but my thoughts and opinions voiced in this post are 100% my own, and are truly heartfelt.