All About Campfinder.co:
The new camp resource features a comprehensive list of camp programs and user reviews with focused program searches and social media capabilities. The site lets parents “shop online” for the best program for their child’s specific personality, needs, and interests while eliminating the need to visit multiple camp fairs or scour the internet for information.
CampFinder.Co was created by local entrepreneurs Brennan Sweeney and JB Woodruff, ex-technology consultants turned entrepreneurs who met while volunteering at a local startup incubator. The idea for CampFinder came to Sweeney when he was searching for camps and struggling to find not only a place online that offered a comprehensive listing, but also one that shared reviews and shed light on the experience his son might have.
“What better way to find a great camp program than hearing about it from people you know or who have experienced it?” notes Woodruff. “We’re harnessing the power of word of mouth referrals and leveraging the power of the web to help parents find the best memory-making experiences for their kids.”
The duo’s s goal is to provide users with a complete database of camp programs available in the region. To achieve this goal, CampFinder allows camp organizers to add their own programs, and users can also request the addition of camps not yet posted on the site.
A complete camp profile will include a geographic location listing, a photo gallery, programs list with detailed descriptions, website and other contact info as well as information regarding pricing, program dates, and camper age.
Currently, there are just under 300 camp programs listed on CampFinder.Co, with more camps being added each week. Camps run the gamut from arts, sports, outdoors, science and more and camp locations span the Tri-State.
Campfinder.co has offered a great one week camp experience at Gorman Heritage Farm for one lucky reader, and they are also the best place to find the perfect camp for your child. Check Campfinder.co out on Facebook and at their website to see how they can help you solve the camp quest this summer! On their website you can not only search for camps, but if you run a camp you can add yours to the database, you can sign up to get newsletters and MORE! Check it out!
*** Gorman Heritage Farm Summer Camp Giveaway from Campfinder.Co ***
The Fine Print: This giveaway is for one week of camp at the Gorman Heritage Farm: Seedlings Camp held on June 2-6 for ages 5-7 . Please be sure that your child can attend this week before entering the contest, as this is the only week offered. The winner will be randomly drawn on Tuesday, March 25th at 2pm. I will email the winner and announce their name on the little things Facebook page. Winners have 24 hours to respond or another name will be drawn. There are FIVE ways to enter this giveaway!
How to Enter (comment below & answer this question):
1. What is your favorite summer camp memory? And if you never went to camp, just tell me about your favorite Summertime memory!
The following entries are optional BONUS entries! Please leave a SEPARATE COMMENT FOR EACH ENTRY!
2.Check out The Little Things Blog & Campfinder.co on Facebook, and then leave a comment below telling me that you did so.
3. Share this giveaway with your friends on Facebook, and be sure to tag “the little things blog” and “Campfinder.co” in your post! Leave a comment telling me you shared.
4. Tweet about the giveaway! Make sure you add @LittleThingsMom and @TheCampFinder in your tweet! And then comment below telling me you did so.
5. Check The Little Things Blog out on Pinterest! You might just find some pins you like! And then leave a comment below telling me you did so.
6. Follow along…sign up for Email Newsletters for this blog using this form: http://eepurl.com/wg3gz
Disclaimer: I was compensated by Campfinder.co for hosting this giveaway, but I stand by what I said…this is a great resource for parents!