I am always looking for ways for my kids to express themselves creatively with minimal help from Mama.  I love when they are Masking Tape Art able to independently work on crafts because it provides time for me to work on projects, AND it boosts their confidence to do things on their own and create beautiful things.  While we do our fair share of crafts that come with instructions, I mostly steer the kids towards crafts where they can design and create anything they’d like.  We have an art cabinet in our dining room (read all about making an art cabinet in this post), and one of Henry’s favorite items in the art cabinet is the masking tape.  We have several rolls of masking tape, in assorted colors, in our art cabinet.  I think that masking tape is easier for him to manipulate than Duck tape.  All he needs for masking tape art is the tape, paper, scissors and something to color with and the boy just gets carried away making very colorful works of art for long stretches of time.  The older boys like to use the tape to connect various recycled items together to make such creations as rockets and pirate ships.  There’s no end to the projects that can be made with tape!

I purchased our colorful rolls of masking tape on the Discount School supply website, and they also sell dispensers to hold several rolls of the tape, but my kids have always just used scissors to cut the tape.  The rolls of tape they sell seem to last forever too, we’ve had ours for a long time.

Masking Tape Art:

Masking Tape Art 4

Masking Tape Art

Masking Tape Art 3

Masking Tape Art 2

Masking Tape Art 5

Do you have an EASY independent craft idea for little hands?