What better time to take stock of things and make changes than the beginning of a new
year? The new year is a blank slate, a perfect time to shake things up in your life. I feel like if I share some of my resolutions with you lovely readers here on my blog then maybe I will be more likely to follow through. Have you ever noticed that? If you challenge yourself to change it helps to say it out loud. I find that when I tell people about my goals,I feel more obligated to follow through. Don’t let yourself down…make yourself a list of resolutions, or perhaps just make one really important resolution and then try to stick to it!
My suggestion is to make realistic and doable resolutions. No matter how much I’d love to travel to Europe it’s not going to happen this year, so it’s not going on the list. Planning a trip to Chicago with the kids however is much more likely to happen. Don’t go giving up sugar if you aren’t likely to be able to live without it, instead make some “sugar rules” to help yourself cut back. There’s no need to deprive yourself of something you love, just figure out a way to have the things you love in moderation if they are not good for you. Man, making resolutions is a tricky business! I’ll share my 2014 Resolutions with you, along with a few ideas for you if you are looking for inspiration! And I’d love to hear your resolutions in the comments below!
My 2014 Resolutions ::
- Find time to SEW – I’d really like to finish Sam & Henry’s “baby” quilts. Finding time is always tricky, perhaps I need to give up some TV time?
- EXERCISE MORE – I have been awful these past few months at getting in exercise. I need to schedule in time to MOVE. I’m not talking about getting a personal trainer and hitting the gym 5 days a week, because that just won’t work with our busy life…but I’m pretty sure I can work in a walk three days a week, even if it’s a short one! And of course I really love moving and grooving at Jazzercise, I need to work in more classes! They offer childcare, and I’m a paid member, so there’s just really no excuse. Well, except for that “finding time” thing again…
- FIND TIME – not sure how to accomplish this feat, but even if I can just find little 15
minute pockets of time it would help. I need to take a good hard look at my life and see where I can cut some corners and find time for more productivity. While at a blogging conference this year another blogger talked about setting timers for herself, and I found that an extremely helpful thing to do. If I have a lot on my plate I set timers in which to get things done, I’ll work for 30 minutes on note cards, then 30 minutes on housework then 30 minutes on blogging, or whatever else needs to get done, and then repeat the cycle. It helps me feel like I’m being super productive, because while the timer is on for “Card making time” I really focus on the cards and don’t let my mind wander to other projects. This tool is also helpful for the kids. I’ll set a timer for them to clean for 30 minutes and then they can play for 30 minutes. Super helpful on days when we have a lot of cleaning, for instance days when we are expecting company.
- EAT HEALTHIER – Notice, I didn’t say DIET. Diets don’t work. In my non-professional opinion. They just don’t work. I am endeavoring to incorporate healthier recipes, more fresh foods, more locally sourced foods, more fruits and veggies and less processed foods into our diets. I’m going to work on tweaking our menu plan for the better, practicing better portion control, and try to curb late night snacking. I also plan on re-reading “Food Rules” by Michael Pollan, it’s so insightful and inspirational. (If you have a resolution about living healthier, see information below about Retrofit ).
- Play more GAMES with my munchkins. Friday nights are generally family movie
nights around here…maybe Saturday should be Game Night? I love playing games with them, especially now that they are getting older (there’s only so much Candyland a mama can take!). Now they are old enough to play interesting games and some of my childhood favorites. Games are great for kids because they get them thinking creatively, thinking strategically, concentrating, focusing, problem solving, and more. All skills that are important in life.
- Work on the kids SCRAPBOOKS – finish 2009. That’s right, I’m years behind on scrapbooks…but there are four of them! And apparently their mother takes too many darn pictures! So I need to buckle down and finish 2009.
- Make PASTA. In 2014 we started making our own pizzas at home, I’m thinking maybe this year is the year of the noodles?
- Read more BOOKS!

If you made resolutions about living healthier and are looking for someone to help you through the process I highly recommend looking into Retrofit. I’ve not used the program (yet) but I’ve heard great things about it. It’s not a diet, but it’s all about lifestyle changes. There are trained professionals to help you through the process, healthy recipes, tools such as a Fit Bit and much more. I am a Retrofit Affiliate, so if you do end up checking them out and signing up please be sure to mention the Little Things Blog! Here’s a post I wrote about Retrofit a while back if you’d like to learn more about them!
What are you resolving to do in the new year? Or resolving to NOT do?