While my family can often be found out and about downtown and in OTR, but I’m sort of embarrassed to admit that we’ve never been to Washington Park! I don’t know how or why it happened, we just never visited the park until this past weekend. I’ve been dying to go to WP since it opened, I just hadn’t made it happen until Sunday. I love this park so much…it has the same feel of other big city parks, like Central Park in NY or Lincoln Park in Chicago. The weather was awesome on Sunday, so the park was hopping. There was music, dancing, kids playing in the water & on the playground, more dogs than I could count, picnics, family gatherings, soccer games, food trucks and the list goes on. I don’t know why I haven’t been spending every single weekend in this park.

Our picnic fare was delicious…we snacked on sushi, fresh fruit, cheeses, salmon salad on Blue Oven Bakery bread, caprese, and some peanut butter crackers for the munchkins.

After the picnic we headed over to the Opera, and as I said, it was amazing. The singing was out of this world, and the costumes, scenery and pageantry was fabulous as well. Aida is a very long opera…nearly four hours! But I’m proud to say that my children stayed awake the entire time and were captivated by the show. I love exposing my kids to all of the wonderful & unique arts and cultural experiences in our fine city.