Getting Organized :: Lego Instruction Handbook

Getting Organized :: Lego Instruction Handbook

This summer I am doing my best to take steps to get more organized…in every area of our lives.  Except cleaning.  Still waiting on a house elf for that one.  Some of the changes I’m making are huge, some are tiny, but in the end, they are all helping to make our lives feel a...
Keeping Kids Occupied on a Long Drive

Keeping Kids Occupied on a Long Drive

I’m getting ready for a long car ride with four young children. And even though my kids are great traveling kids, I always get a bit anxious at the prospect of six of us in the car for so long. I’ve been working this week on putting together a bag of fun things for each...
Getting Organized :: Household Organizational Binder

Getting Organized :: Household Organizational Binder

This summer I am doing my best to take steps to get more organized…in every area of our lives. Except cleaning. Still waiting on a house elf for that one. Some of the changes I’m making are huge like finding storage facilities near me, some are tiny like getting folders for my documents! But in...

Easter Eve: Getting Ready for Holidays

Today is “Easter Eve”.  I’m spending the day doing what I do the day before almost any major holiday…cleaning, preparing, organizing, list-writing, cooking, etc.  Just readying our family for the chaos that can come with holidays.  I feel like everyone is much happier going from place to place and missing naps if we are ready...

Why My House Is Never Clean

Easy Christmas Ornament Craft

Easy Christmas Ornament Craft

Organizing crafts for classroom holiday parties doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated.  I did this super-simple Christmas Ornament Craft with Ella’s class for their Christmas party in 2nd grade and it was a huge hit.  I gave them pipe cleaners and beads and told them to design their own ornaments.  It was great because...

Organizing Kids Toys with IKEA Shelves

 I recently organized the boys’ bedroom using an awesome IKEA shelf.  I realize that I have spent quite a bit of time talking about IKEA for the past couple days.  I love that store.  The reason we drove 30 minutes to go shopping there this week was to buy a shelf for the boys’ room. ...
DIY Birdcage Wedding Card Holder

DIY Birdcage Wedding Card Holder

Recently I made a Birdcage Wedding Card Holder on the cheap for my cousin’s wedding and I was really pleased with how it turned out.  I was asked to procure a card holder of some sort for my cousin’s wedding.  When she asked me to do this favor my aunt said that she trusted me...
A Calendar For Kids

A Calendar For Kids

Patience is a virtue, but not one that I or my children are well-acquainted with. We are a pretty busy family, and the thought of a long summer filled with a chorus of “mom, when are we going to….” made me cringe. So I made a calendar for kids. I used graphics and text, so...