Find Time to Read for Pleasure
How many of us have uttered the phrase: “I just don’t have time to read”. It’s such a shame when we have trouble finding time to read for pleasure. I know firsthand that finding that time to read can be a struggle. We all have so many things that keep us from reading for pleasure…our...
The Books I’ve Been Reading…
This post was inspired by Ella Bella Princess of Kentucky, my sweet nine year old daughter. She wrote a blog post a few weeks back listing all of her favorite books and books she had been reading over the summer. After reading her post, and helping her take a picture of her favorite books I...

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Magnet Letter Activity
When I taught preschool I often started out the year with activities revolving around one of my favorite books: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, written by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault, and illustrated by Lois Ehlert. It’s an adorable alphabet book, with a catchy song to go with it (and have you seen the DVD?!?...
Owl Babies
It all started with the letter of the week….this week in Ella’s kindergarten class they are learning about the letter O. For small group work they made paper bag owl puppets. She came home all fired up about owl puppets. and what ensued was three days of constant puppet making in the dining room. Ella...