The Art of Burning Man at the Cincinnati Museum Center
Recently we went to see Burning Man at the Cincinnati Art Museum. This exhibit, entitled “No Spectators: The Art of Burning Man” was an eye opening, hands on experience for the whole family. I will readily admit that I knew just a little bit about this unique desert experience before this exhibit. One of my...

Tiffany Glass at the Cincinnati Museum Center
There is an impressive collection of Tiffany Glass at the Cincinnati Art Museum. The exhibition displays many different samples of Tiffany Glass, both windows and lamps. The exhibition tells about the history of Tiffany Glass, displays some samples of glass that were used to create the masterpieces, and even shows guests a few “faux” Tiffany...

The REC: Rosenthal Education Center at the Cincinnati Art Museum
The Cincinnati Art Museum is a treasure in our area for art lovers and those who want to learn more about art. Thanks to a very special space within the museum, The REC: Rosenthal Education Center, not only can you look at art and learn about works of art, you can actually experiment with art...

Sixteen Summer Bucket List Ideas for Cincinnati & NKY
Summer is flying by, and because of how rainy it has been we haven’t been able to get out of the house and have as much fun as we usually do during the summer months. I refuse to let this rain get me down though! I’ve put together a Summer Bucket List of ideas so...

Cheap Date Nights in Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky
My husband and I value our date nights. We have four children, we love said children, but we also cherish our alone time. Sometimes we will jump at any chance to have a date night. While we enjoy having nice dinners in swanky restaurants from time to time, we also look for relatively cheap date...

Create Your Own Chihuly Sculpture
Our family loves the arts, and we also love creating our own works of art. A few months back I read about a very cool art project for kids on the blog Mary Making and it inspired me to do a similar project with my children. The project was to create a plastic sculpture that...

A Visit to the Cincinnati Art Museum
Last week I took the kids to the Cincinnati Art Museum. That’s right…four small children at an Art Museum. I was nervous at first, but felt much better when we arrived and I saw busload after busload of noisy little children entering the museum. I have always thought of the art museum of a quiet,...