A Long Weekend at the Red River Gorge {2016}
Each year for Fall Break our family goes to Red River Gorge for a camping trip. This is one of my very favorite traditions that Michael and I have with the children. It’s a special time for just the six of us where we are away from it all and it’s just us and our...

Rowe Woods Cincinnati Nature Center
The Rowe Woods Cincinnati Nature Center is one of my favorite places in the Greater Cincinnati area to spend a day in the woods exploring nature. There are over sixteen miles of trails in Rowe Woods and they meander past a lake, over bridges, along boardwalks, over hills and through the peaceful woods. It’s truly a...

Wolsing Trails in Independence
Nestled away in the midst of suburbia is a woodland gem called Wolsing Trails Preserve, located on 42 acres of land donated by George Wolsing to the Kenton County Conservancy in 2006. The three trails at Wolsing Trails wind around the Banklick Creek and through meadows & wooded areas. My brother and I visited recently and enjoyed...

Cheap Date Nights in Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky
My husband and I value our date nights. We have four children, we love said children, but we also cherish our alone time. Sometimes we will jump at any chance to have a date night. While we enjoy having nice dinners in swanky restaurants from time to time, we also look for relatively cheap date...
Red River Gorge ~ Fall Break 2012
This weekend was Fall Break for my kids, and we spent a few days camping near Natural Bridge & Red River Gorge. We spent our weekend exploring, adventuring, s’more making, tent sleeping, fire tending, junk food eating, hiking, laughing, reading, star gazing and memory making. I picked just a few of my favorite pictures from...
{this moment}
Inspired by SouleMama: A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see....

Our Mini Vacation : Kentucky Dam Village State Resort Park
Our family loves to visit the state parks in Kentucky, we are blessed to live in a state with so many gorgeous state parks that are well cared for and have lodging so we can stay and enjoy them. Last week we went away for a few days to Kentucky Dam Village State Resort Park,...
{this moment} ~ past & present
Inspired by SouleMama: A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see....
A Walk in the Woods: Highland Cemetery Nature Trails
Yesterday the sun was shining, the air was crisp & the sky was blue. And I longed to be outside. So the kids and I shunned the to-do list for a few hours and took a nice long walk in the woods. We talked about nature, discovered new paths, stopped & listened to the sounds...