Family Movie Night :: Harry Potter Party
When the kids were young I read the Harry Potter books to them. We only made it through book three before they were off and reading on their own at night. After we read each book we would watch the movie as a family. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban seemed to take eons...
Ella’s Art Show
Last week we attended an art show at Baker Hunt in Covington. Ella has been taking art classes there for several years. Most recently she has been enrolled in BOSS which is described on their website as: Art on Steroids. This will be a collaborative studio effort with kids and adults encouraged to co-create. The...
Family Movie Night & Kettle Corn
Almost every weekend we have a family movie night…it’s a nice time to wind-down on a Friday evening after a wild week. Family Movie Night & Kettle Corn Last night we tried something new…I made Kettle Corn for everyone to chow on while we watched the Wizard of Oz. It was so scrumptious that...