A Long Weekend at the Red River Gorge {2016}
Each year for Fall Break our family goes to Red River Gorge for a camping trip. This is one of my very favorite traditions that Michael and I have with the children. It’s a special time for just the six of us where we are away from it all and it’s just us and our...
Creating a Family Travel Guide
When Michael and I were in college we spent many weekends at the Red River Gorge, and even after we got married we still went camping pretty regularly. But once we started having kids camping got a bit complicated, and we started staying in cabins and not tent camping as much as we used to...
Red River Gorge ~ Fall Break 2012
This weekend was Fall Break for my kids, and we spent a few days camping near Natural Bridge & Red River Gorge. We spent our weekend exploring, adventuring, s’more making, tent sleeping, fire tending, junk food eating, hiking, laughing, reading, star gazing and memory making. I picked just a few of my favorite pictures from...