Delicious Black Bean Recipes
I am completely smitten with the Black Bean & Rice Burrito recipe from the Organize Yourself Skinny Blog. They meet the most important of my criteria for a perfect meal: easy to make and delicious. We eat them quite often around these parts. I like to double the black bean portion of this recipe and...

Black Bean Quesadilla Recipe
A few weeks ago Tammy from Organize Yourself Skinny posted a recipe for Black Bean & Rice Quesadillas. I wasn’t that interested in having the rice on the quesadilla, and I did not have all of the ingredients on hand, so I changed things up a bit. What I did have on hand was the Black Bean...

Meatloaf Cups
I’m beside myself with excitement over today’s guest post. I’m a HUGE fan of the blog: Organize Yourself Skinny. Tammy, aka: the Skinny Mom has shared so many delicious and healthy recipes on her blog, and she has also shared some great tips for losing weight. I find her weight-loss journey to be an inspiration. ...