St. Theresa’s Textile Trove & Sugar Skull Costumes
My favorite fabric shop in the whole wide world is St. Theresa’s Textile Trove in Over the Rhine. I have been shopping at this shop for funky fabrics ever since I first started quilting. And back in those days I was piecing my quilts by hand. These days sewing time is diminished greatly but I...

Sewing Inspiration
I try to find time to sew whenever I can…but I’m very much a “rookie” seamstress! Here’s a few of my favorite places to find patterns and fabric! I hope this post helps other folks out there with your sewing! My Sewing Inspiration & Patterns :: SouleMama Bend the Rules Sewing by: Amy Karol Oliver...
The Pie Safe
This pie safe has been in my mother’s family for five or six generations. It stood in our kitchen when I was a little girl, and now it is in my dining room, holding my precious sewing and crocheting work, and also Ella’s sewing box. I’m hoping this pie safe will inspire me to “find”...
Sew Your Own Holiday Skirt
I have not sewn in many months, and I was really missing it. Even though I hadn’t been sewing I had still been shopping, so I have quite a few lovely patterns I’ve collected with the thought of making them into skirts for Ella. So this week I dusted off the sewing machine, which is...

Sewn Studio
This week my dear friend Amy Q. and I went to Oakley to visit Sewn Studio. It was a wonderland of fabric, patterns, kits, supplies and more. They opened earlier this year, and I cannot believe it took me so long to get there. They carry all kinds of cute fabrics made by great designers...
Crafty Inheritances
My folks have been working tirelessly lately to clean out their basement. They’ve unearthed quite a few treasures while cleaning, and I have benefited. Mom decided to give me a bit of my inheritance early…four garbage bags full of yarn. Jackpot! Now I need to figure out what kinds of projects to do with all...
We had the most fabulous Sunday yesterday….we stayed in our pajamas all day, except for Max, who insisted on wearing pants AND a clip on tie (the casualness of PJ day must have bothered him). We spent almost the entire day in the dining room creating masterpieces, and sometimes just relaxing. Michael made curtains, I...