Last year I wrote a guest post for all about the hows and whys of lunch-packing at our house. I wrote this in December of 2010,
and the post still holds true. I’m still packing lunches for the kids nearly every day (they love grilled cheese days at school), and I’ve been packing Michael’s lunch pretty often as well. It’s a chore in the mornings, and sometimes I’d love to throw in the towel, but I know that it’s worth it in terms of money we save and the fact that the lunches are pretty healthy. And I still pack lunch for the younger two as well, even though they eat at home. It’s really nice to have lunch ready and waiting for them if we are in the midst of a busy morning. And they think it’s cool to have lunch packed like their big sibs. Are you a lunch packer? Do you have ideas you can share? I’m looking for new fun (healthy) ideas for the lunches!

Lunch Packing Ideas ::
I try to make the kids lunches fun & cute sometimes. Sam LOVES “batman” cheese

But if I don’t have time to make the lunches fun & cute Sam will take the matter into his own hands and create works of art to dine upon.

Here’s some cool stuff I’ve come across in my quest for lunch-packing inspiration for this school year:
My lunches are not this cute, but I wish they were:
Some fun recipes:
Darth Vader Sandwiches (I want these cookie cutters badly…and now they have Marvel cookie cutters too!)
Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins (try this with butterscotch chips…yum!)
Sundried Tomato Hummus with Pita (Max loves this!)
Pizza Pockets my friend Amy Q. made
Chewy Granola Bars
Momtrends LunchBox Planning
Real Food Tips: 10 Ways to Switch Up Your Kid’s Lunch
Cute Printables for Lunch-Packing:
51 Ideas for Smile Inducing Lunch Box Notes and Surprises
Super Sweet Lunch Notes
School Lunch Notes & Jokes (I can’t wait to put one of these in Max’s lunch!)
Adult Lunch Inspiration:
Lunch it Punch it
Nut-Free Snack List (I’m adding this in here, because Sam has peanut allergies, and I’m always on the lookout for healthy nut-free snacks)
Leave me some links below to your favorite sites for lunch-packing inspiration!