Last week I took the kids to the Cincinnati Art Museum. That’s right…four small children at an Art Museum. I was nervous at first, but felt much better when we arrived and I saw busload after busload of noisy little children entering the museum.
I have always thought of the art museum of a quiet, peaceful place, and I was not quite sure how the munchkins would do in such a setting unlike our usual boisterous outings. I was not sure if they would appreciate the beauty and understand the magic of looking at fine art. All of my worrying was for nothing though.
The kids loved the art museum, they spent their time looking around, taking it all in, asking questions and making guesses as to what the pieces were or what they meant. It was as if the peacefulness of their surroundings had a calming effect on them. They spoke in hushed, almost reverent tones, and looked around with wide eyes while holding tight to mama’s hand. It was truly a magical morning. And when we got home the pencils, markers, and paper came out and their own masterpieces were created.
Cincinnati Art Museum ~