I had several hours this morning in which to clean the basement. See, I need to clean the basement in order to organize all my stuff for my yard sale, which is next weekend. But instead of cleaning, I got distracted by a box of old pictures. I started scanning in pictures and before I knew it, the time had come to pick the boys up from school. Sigh. You know where you can find me tomorrow…in the basement, cleaning. Here are some fun First Communion comparisons for you to enjoy…and I’m sure I’ll be sharing more blasts from the past in the coming weeks.
**Click on the pictures to see larger images
Katie & Ella and our beautiful banners

Michael & Ella:

Katie & Ella with Anna Mae, my father’s mother:

Maternal Grandparents: Me with my Nana & Bop, and then Ella with her Papa & Nana. Both pictures taken in my parent’s backyard. Their grass looks so much greener in 2011 with all of this rain we’ve had! 1985 must have been a dry year!

Ella with her Grandparents (Michael’s folks) and then Michael with both sets of his grandparents on his First Communion day.

And here’s one of my favorites…me and sweet Veronica on her First Communion day, and then Veronica (all grown up and a mother now herself) with Ella Bean. These photos make me happy and sad all at once. Happy because I’ve watched my cousin grow into such a fine young woman, and a fabulous mother. And sad because it seems like it was just yesterday that Veronica was making her First Communion, and I can’t bear to think of Ella growing up so quickly.