I’m participating in Menu Plan Monday at orgjunkie.com, and usually each week I present you with our menu from last week.  But this past week Michael was out of town, so my menu is down right embarrassing and I refuse to share it.  There was quite a bit of eating out, meals on the go, and even snacks for dinner.  Instead of telling you what our menu was, I’m just going to share some links for some yummy foods I made last week.  See, our produce share had me busy last week – I made several things to freeze for the winter.  I’m just giddy about taking “fresh” pesto out of the freezer mid-winter, or “fresh” vegetable soup, which I froze in individual serving containers for lunch-packing.  So enjoy the tasty goodness…

Lemon Basil Chicken
Fresh Vegetable Soup
Banana Bites
Thai Chicken Pizza (ooops, no link for this one!  I’ll have to write up my recipe at some point)
Whole Wheat Banana Bread