There is a lego obsession at our home.  It’s been going on for several years now.  On any given day you can find my munchkins hanging out at the dining room table creating masterpieces.  Even the babe joins them sometimes, he loves the Lego cars and the Mini-figures.
The kids LOVE Mini-figures.  Sometimes they won’t get the Lego blocks out, they will just play with the people.  Hours and hours of fun with these things!
Sometimes they work together and build great cities.
Or pyramids & Pharaohs on camels.
Then there’s the Baywatch scenario.

And every good city has a jail for the bad guys, like the Wicked Witch & Dracula.  I’m not sure why the mime is in jail…
They’ve also made some cool things from the Lego kits.  My favorite thing about the Lego blocks is that somehow they all work together so peacefully when the Legos are out.  They may squabble over lots of other things in life, but Legos bring them together.  And while they are busy creating with Legos Mama has a chance to catch up on bills or empty the dishwasher.
Do your children love Legos?  Do they use the kits or create masterpieces on their own?