I am participating in Menu Plan Monday at Orgjunkie.com, but unlike most of the other participants who plan their menus and post them that week, I’m always a bit behind, and I post my menus a week later. I do this so that I can let you know if I try a new recipe and it’s not that great. I don’t want to blog about a recipe if it’s no good. I cannot emphasize enough how much menu planning has helped me out. I’m spending less at the grocery store, we are eating out less, and eating healthier foods. I’m not as stressed out at dinner time trying to pull something together with whatever ingredients I have on hand. It takes a bit of time on the weekends to create our menu plan, but all week long I’m thankful that I took the time to get organized and make a plan! I look at my calendar for the week while menu-planning and figure out what kind of meal would be best for each day. Busy evenings call for crock pot cookin’ while Friday night family nights are a little more relaxed and I can take my time cooking. Participating in MPM has also inspired me to find new recipes for my family, and I hope that when you read this post you can find new recipes for your family as well!

Here’s what was cooking at our house last week:

Skillet Red Beans and Rice – from the fabulous Kentucky Fresh Cookbook, I made a huge batch of these a while back and froze some.

BBQ Chicken (you know, the easy kind where you marinate the chicken in a ziploc bag with a jar of bbq sauce then bake…super simple!)  Best served with Herb Roasted Potatoes.

Dilled Pot Roast

Spaghetti & Meatballs

Beef & Barley Stoup

What’s cooking at your house this week?