Are you looking for something fun & educational to do with your young ones? Try making an ABC book with them! Read all about it in this post I wrote about making your own alphabet book. My kids had so much fun creating their books. And recently I started teaching in a Saturday program and once again my students enjoyed this project. I love the unique & interesting ideas the kids come up with for their alphabet book. And it’s simple (and inexpensive) to put together.
Alphabet Books (revisited) ::
I’d like to add a few new Alphabet book titles to your reading list as well. Whenever I do the Alphabet book project we always start by reading a few ABC books, and here are a few of our favorites:
**look closely at this picture, this book is great because it makes the kids really look at the letter
I love love love the illustrations in this book!
Have fun with this project! It’s perfect for your preschooler who is just learning the letters, or for your older student who is looking for an interesting way to write & illustrate their own book. The great things about this activity is that the possibilities are countless.