You might notice when looking at our menu for the week that many of the dinners are easy fixes.  Our evenings have been rather busy (I feel like I’ve said this before!) and to make things less stressful I have been planning easy meals during the week.  I’m looking forward to summer and the end of evening extra curricular activities.  What is your favorite easy meal to make?  Please share recipe links below!  I find alot of ideas from – so many great menus linked up on her Menu Plan Monday post!
Here’s what was cooking at our house last week:
Spaghetti & Meatballs (from the deepfreeze)
Burgundy Ribs for Sunday dinner, from one of my favorite cookbooks, The Big Book of Casseroles by Maryana Vollstedt
Veggie Burgers & Garlic Fries
Tacos & Quesadillas
And then we had dinner at my inlaws one night, and dinner at a restaurant for a family celebration another evening.
And even though I whined about how busy our week was, I did manage to squeeze in some quality baking time this past weekend.  I made some very tasty treats:
Boston Cream Pie Cupcakes for my sister-in-law’s birthday (see picture below)
Granola (Sam’s favorite!)
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