Here’s our day of Holiday Fun in a nutshell ::

MUSE sang so beautifully, and the church was lovely.
Outside of St. Francis we saw the nativity. Henry hushed us because baby Jesus was sleeping.
The man tending the animals at the nativity invited the kids to jump in the pen with the animals. Max was so happy to hang out with the goats and sheep. The animals seemed to love all of his attention as well.
After Moerlein Brewery we decided to call it a day and go home and watch Elf with the kids and enjoy some popcorn and hot chocolate. Ella said before bed that it was a perfect day, and Sam declared it the “best day ever”. I concur.
Now the children are in bed, and I have my pj’s on and we are watching one of my favorite holiday movies, Love Actually. It’s just been a wonderful day of holiday fun all around. Goodnight.
ps…thinking this picture of the kids with the moerlein flying pig would have made a good picture for our Christmas cards…too bad I already printed ours out for this year!
Disclaimer: Through my work at Family Friendly Cincinnati I received free tickets for the events we attended today. Although, after experiencing all of these events, I’m quite sure I’d pay to go to any of them next year.