I recently purchased some adorable Fiestaware fruit bowls to add to my beloved collection of Fiestaware dishes. I’m smitten with these new bowls. Is that strange to be smitten with bowls? Oh well, I am. I think these little bowls could go in any home…even if you don’t use Fiestaware dishes everyday as we do. You could probably find a color that matches or coordinates with your everyday dishes. They are perfect for a side dish of fruit or salad, and they are perfect for toddler sized portions. Although I have to say, Henry doesn’t usually have quite so many bowls at the dinner table…he does love them, he likes to carry them around the house with a few cashews or goldfish in them.
Do you have dishes, utensils or kitchen appliances that make you smile?
Please tell me I’m not the only one who gets excited about these things….
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