Menu Plan Monday ~ October 13
Last week we the kids had Fall Break, and we had plans to go tent camping at Red River Gorge, but then the forecast of thunderstorms scared us, so we went to a nearby cabin instead. We still had a lovely Fall Break despite a few bumps! And we also had some delicious meals last...
Menu Plan Monday ~ September 15
School has been in session for weeks now, but I’m still struggling with menu planning! Is anyone else in this same boat?!?! Things are crazy here with after school activities, car pools, soccer, etc. I’m really trying to stick to a plan, but it’s tough! Here’s a few of my favorite Easy Dinner Ideas, and...

Easy Dinner Ideas for Busy Nights
School has begun, and already I’m falling into the trap of opting for the easy way out when it comes to making dinner. We’ve eaten out way too much and I’ve not stuck to my menu plan. I need to take more time when planning out my weekly menu and think about each evening carefully. ...

Menu Plan Monday ~ August 25
Here we are again. Another Monday, another Menu Plan. I’m quite proud of myself, as I stuck to the plan this week and we didn’t eat out once!!! Three cheers for me! We had some great dinners at home, and we’re finally getting into the swing of this school schedule. If you need some menu...

Menu Plan Monday ~ August 18
Another Monday, another Menu Plan. I’m sharing what we ate last week, but I’ve been a slacker and I’m still trying to figure out what we are going to eat THIS week at home! Eek! I’m usually better prepared than this. I guess that today will have to be a “leftover” day or “eat whatever...

Menu Plan Monday ~ August 11
We had some GREAT eats last week! I highly recommend that you pin some of the recipes I’ve linked below (especially the one for Truffle Fries…oh. my. word.). And for even more menu plan inspiration visit my Recipe Archives or OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday Roundup. Now that school is going to be starting back this...

Menu Plan Monday ~ Vacation Cooking ~ August 4
Last week we visited South Carolina with my family and enjoyed a week playing on the beach. We had a nice relaxing week, and we ate like kings and queens all week! We made some of our favorite meals and tried some new dishes as well. Hopefully our vacation menu will give you some new...

Menu Plan Monday ~ July 21
It’s Monday! That means it’s time to get planning our weekly menu. Last week we had some great dinners (see links below), this coming week however is going to be super busy, so I’m trying to get creative and find some easy dinner recipes. Feel free to leave me a comment below if you have...

Menu Plan Monday {July 14}
Another Monday, another Menu Plan! Check it out, do some pinning and then comment below and tell me what’s cooking at your house! Summer is full of pool dinners for us, because I just love going to the pool for dinner and wearing the kids out so they fall right to sleep when we get...
Menu Plan Monday {July 7}
Did you enjoy that long holiday weekend? We had a very busy and fun-filled weekend, we went on bike rides, visited the Loveland Castle, had a family game night, spent time at the pool with friends, went to the Northside Parade, had a cookout with family to celebrate the 4th and visited cousins on their...
Menu Plan Monday {June 30 2014}
For months I have fallen off the menu plan wagon, and our dinners have been haphazard at best. I’ve decided to straighten things out, get organized and start planning our menu each week again. Here’s to LESS eating out and MORE home-cooked meals! Check out my recipe links below and for more inspiration visit my...

Menu Plan Monday ~ March 24
And so it goes…we had another crazy busy week last week. I did my best to make some good quality dinners, but we did end up eating out a few times, much to mama’s chagrin. I’m determined that this week will be better…we’re going to quit eating out so much and eat dinner at home! ...