Menu Plan Monday ~ June 24
We’re still going full tilt, enjoying our summer vacation. We went to COSI last week, we went swimming, I attended two awesome events in Cincinnati and learned about two companies giving back to our community (more on those soon), we had a great party with Michael’s cousins, Michael took part in Paddlefest (and bought a...
Menu Plan Monday ~ June 10
We’ve kicked off our summer vacation in style, with strawberry picking, hikes, marking a couple things off of our Summer Bucket List, starting summer camp and having dinner at the pool. I love summer vacation so much! We ate well last week…be sure to check out these recipe links! What we were eating last week:...
Menu Plan Monday ~ June 3
Summer vacation has started with a BANG! We’ve already been to the doctor for poison ivy AND strep throat, and we’ve already started our adventures about town. Because last week was a holiday and I had sick children to tend to, I didn’t get my menu plan posted, so this week’s post includes TWO WEEKS...
Menu Plan Monday ~ May 20
It’s been another tasty week at our house…every dinner last week was delicious! AND…I spent a day one day this week organizing all of my recipes here on the blog, so now I have a handy dandy tab at the top with my Recipe archives!!! Here’s what we dined on last week: Tilapia & Confetti...
Menu Plan Monday ~ May 13
I am looking forward to the summer months…because it means I can be a little more creative in the kitchen, and make meals that require more time and a bit more effort. During the school year we are constantly on the go with after school activities, so our evening meals tend to get a bit...
Menu Plan Monday ~ The First Communion Edition
Yesterday Max celebrated his First Communion, and we had quite a spread for his celebration after Mass. So instead of giving you our weekly menu plan (we ate out ALOT last week)…I bring you instead my First Communion Party Menu Plan! I wanted to have a picnic-style lunch for Max’s party, so I used some...
Menu Plan Monday ~ March 25
Do you plan your weekly menu ahead of time? Or do you fly by the seat of your pants each evening? I’m curious as to how others plan their meals… I am of course a menu-planning machine. I follow my plans 95% of the time, sometimes there are evenings where even the best laid plans...
Menu Plan Monday ~ March 18
I spend my Sundays, clipping coupons, writing grocery lists, making pizza dough for dinners this week, and creating this week’s menu plan. Pinterest is a huge help in menu planning, it’s where I collect all of the recipes I love and all of the recipes I want to try. And then OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday...
Menu Plan Monday ~ March 11
Another Monday, another menu plan…I know I sound like a broken record, but planning our dinner menu in advance each week really does keep me sane. And it has made for much more peaceful evenings. I don’t stress out trying to figure out what to cook, I don’t spend forever trying to pull a meal...
Menu Plan Monday ~ March 4
We had some of our very favorite meals last week…click on the links below to find the recipes! And for more menu-planning inspiration check out my “Recipes I Love” Pinterest board and Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday Roundup! And please do share your own menu plan or favorite recipe links in the comments below, I’m...
Menu Plan Monday ~ February 11
It was another yummy week at our house! For more menu planning inspiration check out OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday roundup! Or find my “Recipes I Love” board on Pinterest! I’d love to hear what’s cooking at your house too! Leave me a comment below and share some of your favorite recipes…I need some new ideas...

Menu Plan Monday ~ February 4
Another Monday, another Menu Plan! I think it’s been a few weeks since I’ve shared our menu plans with you…when things get busy at our house blogging gets put on the back burner. My plan this week has some DELICIOUS recipe links…so be sure to check them out then print them or pin them! For...