Indoor Fun on a Snow Day {or a Rainy Day}
Snow days are my favorite! I love having the kids home for the day, spending the majority of the day in our pajamas, and having fun! We love playing outside in the snow, but when the temperatures are so cold we tend to come inside to warm up and have fun. I’ve come up with...

Fall Baking
I love fall…the cooler weather, the falling leaves, cuddling under quilts, and perhaps soon a fire in the fireplace. One of my favorite things to do in the cooler months is to bake. Fall Baking makes the house smell so good and who does not love a warm baked good? Our house is hard to...
Easy Pumpkin Muffins
We are big fans of Pumpkin Muffins around these parts…all year long. They are easy to make with canned or fresh pumpkin, and they are great treats to add to packed lunches. I usually make a huge batch of them and freeze a bunch so I can pop them into lunches. We’ve also made mass...
A Day for Baking
We spent an entire day baking this week. I have been slacking in the kitchen since Henry arrived in January. I have made meals, and dishes for parties, but I have not spent time cooking for enjoyment lately. In fact, for a while I was feeling like cooking was a chore, when I used to...
Cookbook Giveaway {CLOSED}
calling all bread bakers, bread lovers, and cookbook collectors…i have the perfect giveaway for you! we are going to give one lucky reader a copy of peter reinhart’s bread-baking cookbook: artisan breads every day. perhaps you have heard me mention our family’s love for this cookbook, i can’t stop talking about it, and about the...

My Bread Baking Husband
I am a lucky girl. I know this. I married a guy that cooks, bakes, cleans and is an active participant in the raising of our children. And he fixes things! I’ll say it again…I am a lucky girl! For the past year or so Michael has been on a quest to learn how to...