3rd Turn Oldham Gardens & Backside Grill
Recently we visited 3rd Turn Oldham Gardens just outside of Louisville, Kentucky and immediately loved the place and their brews! We spent a few hours there tasting their craft brews, dining at the Backside Grill and playing board games with the kids. 3rd Turn Oldham Gardens How we arrived at this off the beaten path...

Fun & Games at The Rook OTR
Our family loves to play board games. You might even say we are obsessed, so it only makes sense that we would love to hang out at place like The Rook OTR. What a genius idea to have a bar that serves up board games alongside cocktails and shareable snacks! The Rook OTR has 800 games...

The Games We Play :: The aMAZEing Labyrinth by Ravensburger
Our family loves to play games, so when Michael’s aunt offered me a bunch of games that her (now adult) children had enjoyed when they were young of course I said yes! One of the games was The aMAZEing Labyrinth from Ravensburger Games. We took it with us camping last month and played it all...

The Games We Play…
We’ve been playing games of all sorts lately…card games, board games, lego games, made-up games and more. What are some of your family’s favorite games? Our Favorite Games :: The aMAZEing Labyrinth CandyLand The Enchanted Forest (we LOVE Ravensburger games!) Scrabble The Silly Faces Game (perfect for TODDLERS!) Ticket To Ride (such a great game!!!)...