Easy Blueberry Cobbler Recipe
After much trial and error, I think I have come up with the most perfect easy Blueberry Cobbler recipe. I say that it is perfect because it’s just the way that my family likes cobbler – NOT mushy. After a few attempts with mediocre mushy cobblers and studying our grandmother’s cobbler recipes I put together...

25 Easy Easter Party Recipes
The Easter season is around the corner and I am already thinking about what we should take to all the parties we are going to. I decided to put together some of my favorite recipes and ended up with a list of 25 Easy Easter Party Recipes. I have ideas for everything from appetizers to...

Ten Perfect Peach Recipes
Recently I had a plethora of peaches in my possession and I needed to find some delicious peach recipes to make something tasty with them. Thanks to the wonders of Facebook I came to hear about the “Peach Truck” that brings boxes of fresh peaches from Georgia and makes stops at various cities to sell...

Strawberries & Cream Butter Cake
This week we went to pick strawberries with my Grandma, a tradition we’ve had for several years now. We use my kids as minions and end up coming home with quite a haul of berries! Every year I try to find a new way to use the strawberries. This year I’ve had a hankering for...

Kocanut Joe’s Froyo Pops
Kocanut Joe’s Frozen Yogurt has a new product on the market, just in time for these hot summer days! They now make frozen yogurt popsicles! Since our family is a friend of KoJo’s and I’m always promoting them on social media we were given a few popsicles to take for a test drive. We were...

Chocolate Chip Cheeseball
Can a cheeseball be a dessert? I say yes. I love a good sweet cheeseball for snacking. My sister in law Jessica makes a fabulous Chocolate Chip Cheeseball, it satisfies every sweet tooth. She made it this past weekend for a baby shower we were hosting for our other sister in law, Jenny. I noticed...

Pudding Shots
My friend Lisa shared a very special recipe with me, and she has given me permission to share this recipe with my readers. The recipe is for Pudding Shots. What’s a Pudding Shot you ask? Well, it’s part dessert, part cocktail. It’s a perfect treat to make and take to a party, or in Lisa’s...

Easy Sweets :: Pretzels with Chocolate & Almonds
Around this time of year I tend to make a LOT of sweets in my kitchen. This year I was inspired by Amy Q. over at In A Galaxy Blog to make a new sweet treat to share with friends for the holidays, Pretzels with Chocolate & Almonds. I think this is one of the...
Strawberry Recipes
This week we took a road trip to a local farm to pick strawberries. There are just a few weeks left in strawberry pickin’ season, and we were able to pick oodles of fresh strawberries. We took my Grandma with us, since she had mentioned wanting fresh berries for preserves when I saw her last...