Homework Tip: Organizing with a Clipboard Case
As much as I try to make homework time as peaceful as I can in our house, there will come times during the year when tears are shed and hair is pulled out. When this happens it’s time to go back to the drawing board and come up with creative ways to make homework time...

Minecraft Birthday Party Ideas
The Minecraft video game is all the rage lately, especially in my house. This summer we hosted an epic Minecraft Birthday Party to celebrate Max’s 10th birthday. Ella and I spent hours and hours scouring Pinterest as well as some really awesome blogs to put together the perfect party for Max and his friends. Eventually,...

Keeping Peace at the Dinner Table
Have you ever had a night at the dinner table where chaos reigns? Children are squabbling, parents are tense, milk is spilled, tears are shed, and sanity is called into question. Maybe your table is too small and you need to get a dining table and 6 chairs instead of the 4 chairs that you...

Getting Organized :: Children & Chores
I am a stay at home mother of four children. I hate housework, but I also hate a messy house. It’s a frustrating way to live. And with five other people in this house with me, keeping up with the housework is a never ending task. My husband and I have always thought that our...
Setting Video Game Time Limits for Kids
Do you ever feel like your kids are spending too much time in front of a screen? I do! The beginning of our summer was kind of crazy with sick kids, lots of work for Mama and a busy schedule. Soon I noticed they were vegging out in front of video games way too often....

The Obsession with Big Nate Books
A few weeks ago my dear friend Ms. Amy, who is a librarian at our local library (the awesome Kenton County Public Library) suggested that Max might like the Big Nate books. So I checked a few of the books out just to see what he thought. He picked one up that night, started reading...

Ice Cream Sundae Baby Shower Gift
My cousin and his wife are expecting a baby and their baby shower was last weekend. Ella and I thought that we should make a very special present for their babe. So of course we turned to Pinterest for ideas, and YouTube for videos on how to make desserts out of baby items. I couldn’t...

Tips & Ideas for Peaceful Homework Time
So often it seems that homework is a struggle in our house. Sometimes it’s a child who would rather be doing anything other than the assignment, or sometimes it’s simply a matter of a concept not clicking in their little heads yet. When my friends kids were younger, they took them to Little Thinkers Center...

A Peaceful Shower
Keeping Little Ones Occupied While You Take a Shower :: I think I have found the perfect way to occupy my wild child toddler while I take a shower so that I don’t have to worry about what he’s getting into, soon we’re installing frameless glass doors so I’m able to keep an eye on...

The Cleaning Game
Sometimes people say to me “I don’t know how you do it!”. I guess it’s because of the four kids? And honestly, I say the same thing to so many other parents. We all feel overwhelmed some days, spread thin and as if there are simply not enough hours in the day. Somehow we all...

Getting Organized :: Lego Instruction Handbook
This summer I am doing my best to take steps to get more organized…in every area of our lives. Except cleaning. Still waiting on a house elf for that one. Some of the changes I’m making are huge, some are tiny, but in the end, they are all helping to make our lives feel a...