10 Ideas for Preschool Fun with Water Beads
Just before the school year ended I learned about the wonderful world of water beads. My principal and our school’s Speech/Language Pathologists showed me their sensory bin full of these cool and soothing little beads of water. I will not be able to properly describe to you how these water beads feel other than...

Ice Cream Parlor Dramatic Play Center
My preschool classroom has a “Dramatic Play” corner where children can use their imaginations to pretend they are playing or working in different jobs, homes or scenarios. While our class was learning about the Five Senses I thought it would be fun to put together an Ice Cream Parlor Dramatic Play Center. It only took a...

Rainbow Pasta Arts & Crafts
Making Rainbow Pasta is super easy to do, and can provide hours and hours of fun for kids of all ages. You can use Rainbow Pasta to create art work, string necklaces, and make patterns. I colored a bunch of noodles for my classroom recently and the kids had so much fun doing all kinds...

The Independent Child :: Henry & The PBJ Sandwich
Raising an independent child is no easy task. I’ll admit it, when my four year old is begging to make his own peanut butter and jelly sandwich all I can think about is the MESS. It would be so much easier for me to just whip up a sandwich for him. But last week when...

Homemade Playdough
Did you know that making play-dough at home is quite simple to do? And it keeps for long periods of time, staying soft. When I was teaching we always had homemade playdough in our classroom. It is cheap to make and fun to play with! And now that I’m home with the kids, we always...
Henry’s Big Day
Wasn’t it just about five minutes ago that I carried sweet Prince Henry in a wrap snuggled up against me? In fact, this is how I carried him into Sam’s preschool each week, and how I carried him just about everywhere. But somehow, without me even realizing it, Henry has grown up a bit. Just...